Family, Career And Life in Basel: A year in review!

Family, Career And Life in Basel: A year in review!

Last year around the same time, the time when autumn kicks in and winter starts to tap on your door – I did these posts on moving to Switzerland, Basel in particular. My move, no doubt, gave opportunities to write and to share experiences. Some of my articles resonated with expats in similar situations, some [...]

The Real Food First Program with Teaspoon Living

Hey Guys! [blockquote align="none" author=""] Has your New Year’s diet already gone out the window? Do you want to try something new this year to make lasting change to your health and happiness. [/blockquote] I know Manavi and I talk a lot about beauty, fashion and lifestyle. While we believe in all things beautiful, we also [...]

Tips to Manage and Maximize Space, Consulting Session with Living Room, Basel

Tips to Manage and Maximize Space, Consulting Session with Living Room, Basel

Hey, guys! Welcome back! Now that my exams are over, I'm back to blogging. Today I'm going to talk about our home that we've been living in for 6 months in Basel, Switzerland. As you guys know, and I always keep saying, moving ain’t easy and the toughest part usually is setting up your house. A [...]

My Journey From a Career Woman To a Stay-At-Home Mom and Tips To Make It Less Stressful

My Journey From a Career Woman To a Stay-At-Home Mom and Tips To Make It Less Stressful

I've seen my mother work for 40 years, take care of the house while she brought up 2 daughters. While I was juggling a corporate job and motherhood in India, the transition to being a stay-at-home Mom in Switzerland has been riveting, to say the least. Read more about my journey and take the best [...]